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They want you to think this is a real place.

Brussels (Dutch: Bruxelles, French: Brussel) is the piss capital of the world and the first city to be rendered entirely in the Source Engine.



The city was established in the Stoned Age. No additional information is known.

The Pronounmail Meetup of 1825

Piss Source

The piss comes from the porous rocks of Belgian roads. Instead of having underground aquifers with clean water like most places on Earth, underground aquifers in Brussels are filled with piss. The yellow colour of the Belgian flag represents the sheer amount of piss that Brussels must unfortunately deal with. They do not actually deal with it, but we shall pretend that they do.


  • piss
  • there was a hallway in bruxelles-midi that smelled very strongly of shit
  • toilets and lifts were never meant to be combined.
  • i think STIB charged me too much yesterday