Affinity Photo

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Affinity Photo is a photography application which can be downloaded from the pirate Most images were created here.


This one's got all kinds of wild stuff

Making Photos

To create a photo, first add a photo. Then, click on the Filters tab at the top of the Affinity Photo editor. Scroll down to 'Distort' and select 'Polar To Rectangular'. Now repeatedly press cntrl+alt+f until you see god. If you've got enough practice, you can even skip the first step by adding your own shapes with the pen or gradient tool.

A poorly drawn digital image of what appears to be a white dog standing on two legs with a yellow bird on its head, both in front of a blank white background
Snoop and Bird
A digital image of a series of warped pixels of various shades of yellow, orange, and green that are pinched towards the center. Three letters can be seen which might spell "old" but it's not super clear what the letters are
what is this

Version History

Much like Jesus, Affinity Photo 1 has a sequel, called two.


  • ImageMagick
  • Adobe (earthen building material)
  • Pen and paper
  • leaving the images unedited, just the way you took them