Applications are like web pages but more complicated. If you would like to run an application please ask first :3
What is an Application

Anything that need a daemon basically.
- Keep memory use Down
- Keep CPU time Down
- Avoid running anything that would use a Silly amount of system/natural resources
- Your application may be better suited for being run as a part of The Incredible Pronounmail Suite of Interesting Applications.
- Please have the source code for your application available somewhere on the server under a Reasonable license (the AGPL is always a good choice)
Users can freely set up systemd units to run their daemons. Put your service files and such in ~/.config/systemd/user/
and pass --user
when using systemctl.
For example:
$ nano ~/.config/systemd/user/my_service.service # (inside the file) [Unit] Description=My cool application [Service] ExecStart=/home/leah/application/ Type=notify Restart=on-failure [Install] # (save + exit) $ systemctl --user enable --now my_service.service
More documentation is available
Please please please have your application listen over a Unix Domain Socket (where the socket is a filesystem node) instead of an Internet domain socket (where the socket is an IP address and a port number).
We have a PosgreSQL instance that you may plug your things into. Ping leah and she'll set up a database and account for you.
You can also use SQLite or whatever
Your application needs to be reverse-proxied through the webserver in order to appear on
All webserver configuration must currently pass through leah. Please ask her nicely if you need things to be changèd.
If you're not expecting too much traffic, it might be wise to write your thing with CGI. We also have PHP, which works quite well.
The cops don't want you to know this, but you can make a static website appear dynamic by just rebuilding it every few minutes. You can use a systemd timer to do this automatically (please don't rebuild it too often or i'll kill you 💔).