
From pronounmail wiki
Revision as of 23:06, 21 February 2025 by VenaeAmoris (talk | contribs) (Created page... it's attractive. All the sections were added. There are a lot. It's pretty cool.)
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An abstract square art piece of black dots and lines with a radial blur. It looks similar to a magic eye puzzle, or the sound of static. Some vague shapes can be seen within.
This is what we look like

Venae Amoris is




You want to date her

But you can't. Sucks.

Venae Amoris enjoys

Venae Amoris is

  • Real
  • Sticky (sometimes) (ew)
  • gay
  • a scaled tongue sloshing around in your gizard
  • made of human meat (ew)
  • all chuffed up and ready to go
  • It's an image of this site but it's low quality and poorly cropped


I could take the Riddler in a fight. Like he'd get a few good swings in but I guarantee I'd take him down 9 outta 10 times. That guys a bitch, "oh solve my puzzle oh you get in a car crash with your dad and he dies cause, he was also in the car, so he died but you didnt die, so you wake up in the hospital and your moms there wait shit youre not supposed to know that yet. Uh , the doctor says I can't operate on him, he's my son!" and you say "goddammit mom I'm a woman you have to fucking accept this, dad is dead and I'm a woman, your fucking delusions are tearing this family apart. I miss my childhood, things were simpler then, I could just exist as I am and not be beholden to whatever ideals my parents set out before me, like I have to be who you want me to be not who I want, have you ever thought that maybe trying to turn me into a little robot for your enjoyment was gonna fuck me up? Like yeah, maybe I am 'a lot' or 'difficult' or whatever the hell but that's YOUR fault, take some goddamn responsibility. You know what, I'm glad dad died. That's right. He never really loved me, just some idea of who he could've been, it's just projection, and you're doing the same shit mom. This is all you ever do. You spent so long trying to get your fucking doctorate, to be this respectable woman, and look where it got you. Your husband is dead and your kid doesn't love you anymore because you never really loved her. Go to hell." Okay now i feel bad, I'm sorry Riddler. We don't have to fight. Let's just hug okay? Bring it in, buddy. JUST KIDDING, SUPLEX BITCH and that's how I take him easy, what a bitch. Nine times out of ten, I'm tellin ya.