Provided below is a list of frequently asked questions regarding and such, and their corresponding answers.

Q: Cousin Angelo, what’s that smell?

A: It’s a piece of provolone.

Q: Cousin Angelo, what’s that smell?

A: Provolone.

Q: Cousin Angelo, what’s that smell? HAHAHAHA

A: It’s a piece of provolone.

Q: Cousin Angelo, what’s that smell?

A: Provolone.

Q: Cousin Angelo, what’s that smell?

A: Provolone.

Q: Cousin Angelo, what’s that smell?

A: It’s a piece of provolone.

Q: Cousin Angelo, what the f—— is that smell?

A: It’s a piece of provolone.

Q: Cousin Angelo, what’s that smell? It smells like ass.

A: Provolone.

Q: Cousin Angelo, what’s that smell?

A: Provolone.

Q: Cousin Angelo, what’s that smell?

A: It’s a piece of provolone.

Q: Ugh, Cousin Angelo, that stinks. What is that?

A: Provolone.

Q: Cousin Angelo, what’s that smell?

A: Provolone.