Web Guide/The Very Basics

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🌱 Make a Website

The Very Basics

things here at some point!!

Select your operating system:



  1. Find a folder to place your new site into (your home folder will work fine).
  2. Create a new folder, call it whatever you want.
  3. Open that folder, right click and select Newtext file and call it index.html. This will be your site's homepage.
  4. Right click the newly created file and select Add-onsFileType.
  5. In the window that appears, type text/html into the "File Type" field and then close it.
  6. You can now double click your index.html file to open it in WebPositive.
Note that WebPositive's developer tools are currently fairly lacking, so you may want to install a browser like Falkon from the HaikuDepot.