Michael Plastics
Michael Plastics (2001-2093) was the creator and sole proprietor of plastic surgery, plastic cheese, plasticine and plastic. His creation now lives inside pretty much everyone's brain and various other organs, which I think is also a plot point in Severance I think? They haven't released the whole series yet so I'm just guessing here. But i think that's their aim. uhh for the chips that they put in your brain to make your brain go different in differnet areas. Plastics don't do that yet I don't think
Plastics developed the idea for plastic after reflecting on his experiences playing with crude oil as a child. He realised he could somehow turn the goop into a plastic bottle or perhaps a chair if he just thought about it really hard. And then he did that.
The valuation of the plastic industry soon began to soar, as investors realised the material could facilitate the manufacture of goods whilst maintaining the high levels of environmental harm and general evildoing required to stay competitive today's economy.
Due to the amount of microplastics in one's brain, it is now possible to concentrate really hard and produce a single plastic spoon, which can then be used to scoop up nuts and berries in the event of an emergency. Those wishing to try this technique should be cautious of concentrating too hard, as this may result in them producing a perfect 1:4 scale model depicting the cause of their death.